Tuesday 18 November 2014



 Hello friends!!Do you all know about mozilla???I know,everyone of you would say,who doesn't??well,there's something that's different from what we know till date,i must say a lot..here it goes,                                

Talking about mozilla,the first thing which clicks my mind is the webmaker party co-organised by Mozilla Community,Bhopal.Arpit Singhal and Anju Chandel who came all the way long to Gwalior from Bhopal.. 

firstly,as the event started a brief introduction or we can say the agenda of the event was delivered by Arpit Singhal who emphasised on Mozilla Mission and Community.then the stage was took over by our mentor,Gautam Sharma who explained  the newbies about what Mozilla is and what contributions one can make to it.
one thing i liked the most was the Womoz section introduced by Anju Chandel,where the girls can show their talent and it is to be ranked at their level,mens they are to be compared with themselves. 

After that a one to one query session was hold where each one of the atendees were given a chance to clarify their doubts,which was well explained by all the mentors..

Now came the practical time where the atendees where taken to labs where we told about app development and app makel tools like Thimble,Popcorn Maker,X-Ray Goggle and Appmaker,after which we made a lot of interesting makes which can be viewed here

By the end of the session,we learnt a lot many things which were not known to us till date..

So,welcome to the world of mozilla and explore yourself as a mozillian..

The event was an explendid one..The newbies were highly excited and interested for every activity,and their presence made it a big success.

The photographs of the event can be clicked here